Project in Iran
Soffi AG, Olten is currently working on various projects in Iran, mainly on systems with a nominal output of 10 MW and equipped with HELIOSEQ trackers. The PV parks are designed and implemented together with our Iranian partners. We look forward to be well positioned in this rapidly growing market and will regularly publish updates.
Projects in Central Europe
Currently the Soffi AG, Olten created various concepts for more effective use of fallow land or clearance surfaces adjacent to transportation routes - road and rail. HELIOSEQ is ideally suited to the highly fluctuating wind conditions at the transportation routes and was developed specifically for this application.
- The Soffi AG was founded in 2012 and deals with improving the energy efficiency of Photovoltaic plants on Land and on Water. In comparison to other currently known systems, we allow a considerably higher yield for the operating companies of our systems. Our aim is to increase the energy production by keeping its costs as low as possible. That is what we strive for.
- The Soffi-Systems are based inventions, which are registered for patency.The extremely simple technology and minimal maintenance requirements of SOFFI-Systems allow increasing the yield of the Photovoltaic plants.
- Our philosophy is clear: high yields thanks to simple solutions for the production of renewable energy.
a) Lower investment costs
- Simple and fewer power units
- Simple solutions for the foundations
- Simple and ingenious way of solar tracking.
b) Minimal maintenance requirements
- Simple and low maintenance power units
- Easily exchangeable parts
- In this respect minimal manpower requirements
Your advantages with Soffi
- Favourable
- Low maintenance
- Flexible
Office Olten
Soffi AG
Office Olten
4600 Olten
T +41 62 213 12 28
Our land solution Onshore
- We have developed and registered for patency a unique cable power unit, which mobilizes 50 uniaxial tracker frames, each of 40 square meters, over a total length of up to 450 m. Thereby offering a surface of up to 2000 square meters solar which are tracking the sun powered by just one power unit.
- This cable power unit technology allows to optimize the effect of the sun’s energy. The tracker frames follow the sun from East to West. In comparison to fixed mounted systems, we achieve up to 25% higher yields of sun energy. The Helioseq tracker frame allows an additional North to South inclination of 7-30 degrees, making allowances for the individual geographical positions of each solar plant, which again increases the yield.
- Our cable power technology, can be set up on very different grounds: hilly or curvy terrain and on variable geological formations.
- Each tracker frame is fixed by foundations, represented by either two containers, filled with earth from the ground, and/or fixed with ground anchors.
- Electronic controls regulate the tracking of the panels following the path of the sun. If there are too strong winds the operating system will reposition the panels automatically to position Zero (West/East/Zero). All data can be supervised online.
- In areas with snowfall, the tracker system will at 0800 am, the time of sunrise, position the panels towards the West and tilt the panels to 45 degrees. The back of the panels is heated by the reflective sunrays, the snow melts and slides off the panels. Once the panels are clear they will automatically turn towards East and start their daily work routine by following the sun.
- HELIOSEQ can be optionally equipped with the HELIOCLEANER system, which provides regular automatic cleaning of all solar panels in cycles considered as necessary.
Important facts
- Sound design and sound construction
- Easy installation due to largely pre-build modules
- Assembly of the Photovoltaic modules is highly flexible
- Grounding: flexibility and independency in respect to the geological conditions and the use of the filled containers.
- 20 years corrosion warranty for the steel parts and frames
- Lower installation costs and lower energy consumption due to fewer power units
- Lower operation costs
- Minimal maintenance costs
Tracking System | horizontal |
Max. PV modules per tracker row (in sqm) |
2 000 |
Number of tracking plates | 50 |
Max. electricity production / row | 320kWp |
Photovoltaic centerline specification | |
max length of a tracker row | 450m |
Depth of tracker row | 8m |
Type of photovoltaic panels | free choice |
Distance between tracker rows | shadow dependent |
Surface coverage ratio (GCR) | free choice |
Movement East-West | |
Night/Storm and Safety position | 0 degrees |
Angle of rotation | -/+40° (80°) |
Tracking Control | astronomical algorithms |
Surveillance | adapted SDS surveillance system |
Sensors | Inclination (angle tracking), wind, snow |
Temperature protection rating | up to IP 65 |
Temperature limits for control system and motor |
-20°C - +80°C |
Mechanical specifications | |
Structure | steel |
Foundations | containers filled with excavated earth |
Corrosion protection | ISO 12944-2 C1-C5/M |
Max wind resistance | 100km/h |
Consumption of electricity | |
Consumption of electricity of the power unit | 2kW (AC) 1kW(DC) |
Electrical grounding | CE / UL |

1 Motor for up to
2000 sqm pv panels

Terrain adaption


Top view
Other Providers

1 Motor under
1000 sqm pv panels

Our solution for the sea Offshore
- HELIOMAR is a new concept, which produces massive quantities of CO2-free energy. Heliomar is an artificial island/pontoon-like flexible structure on which photovoltaic solar panels are installed and if requested optional wind turbines can be installed too. Ideally the island measures 1.6 km x 1.6 km equivalent to 2.56 square kilometers, which allows an economically very attractive production of very high amounts of energy.
- HELIOMAR is a seaworthy flexible platform, which is anchored independently of the depth of the water. The whole island will track the path of the sun. In areas where waves are more common, the platform is protected by special wave breakers with protective grids to shield it from waves, currents and various floating objects.
- HELIOMAR allows the installation of many Photovoltaic panels in a relatively flat position (15 degrees), which reduces shadowing. We have also developed a cleaning system, which is registered for patency. This cleaner will clean the panels by brushing and spraying water over them, preferentially just before sunset.
- HELIOMAR offers landlocked countries, with few hours of yearly sunshine, the opportunity to build offshore solar energy plants outside the territorial waters. This option could also benefit very small countries, which do not have the necessary free square kilometers or don’t want to build such vast renewable energy plants on their land.
- It could also resolve the problem of disruptive wind farms or solar energy plants invading the nature of their countryside.
- Heliomar can also be used for other purposes apart than for renewable energy production:
- artificial harbour
- Secondary structure of aquacultures and fish farming
- Seawater desalination plant
- Production of hydrogen
- Storage of hydrogen
Important facts
- Highly efficient by tracking the sun with the whole island, and by automatic daily cleaning of the solar panels.
- The sun tracking of the whole island/pontoon and the automatic cleaning result in a increased efficiency, which compensates for the higher costs of making a swimming platform.
- Authorization procedures for the building and operating of Heliomar are relatively easy.
- No objections from neighbors.
- Continuous energy production by wind and sun.
- Positive ecological impact as the island will become an artificial reef for fauna and flora.
Measurements: | 1600m x 1600m x 12m |
Surface of PV panels | 1 900 000 sqm |
Surface island/pontoon | 2 560 000 sqm |
Diameter of buoyancy bodies | „e“ = 14,5 m |
Performance of PV panels | 315 W p nach STC |
Measurements panels | 1960mm x 980mm x 6mm |
Yearly electricity production | e.g. Gulf of Gabès / Tunisia: 460 GW/h |
Feedback from our partners
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